Team / Competitive Edge / Competitive Excellence Training


Business success today requires:shutterstock_132355427

Highly motivated, personally responsible, clearly focused quality people in every position, working together to achieve maximum results & meet objectives

We will work with staff member to become more positive, more confident and more effective team members, helping them to be better communicators and problem-solvers, giving them the personal and interpersonal tools they need to build themselves and the organization

The Best Organizations have the Best People. When staff members feel more   confident in themselves, feel that they are growing as individuals, they become     more dedicated to the growing and challenging industry they are in.

The Results:

Participants will emerge with greater competence and commitment to working together to get the job done. They will develop greater loyalty to the  organizational values and to each other.


size2We believe that everyone has tremendous potential for development and growth and   that an investment in training is one of the most valuable investments a company or individual can make.



We will start this training session with pre-course interview meetings with the Head of the Unit, recommended Senior Managers and general staff members.

We will then also  talk to selected Customers, assessing their needs and challenges. Once we identify the gap between where you are and where you want to be, we will then begin customizing our programs to ensure maximum results.


Excellent customer service has a major impact on the growth of any business, especially in today’s environment where the X / Y / Z Generations demands are extraordinary.

Employees must understand the specific needs of customers, using effective unnamedcommunication techniques such as active listening and positive feedback.

Understanding the chain of service and discovering ways to improve each stage of the customer service process is a vital part of the process.

Our Service Excellence Training will allow employees / internal customers to feel better about their career, their company, themselves, with morale increasing, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

The results will be repeat business, loyal customers, happier staff and free word of  mouth advertising.


For more information Contact Us